Code Navigation in Emacs

When working with Python code bases, i sometimes have the need to jump between next / previous functions i am working on within the same file. As this is a common thing i would do, i tried searching for way to navigate to previous and next functions relative to my current position. There are a collection of tools that make this easy for you:

  • imenu
  • With imenu, you are able to call =M-x imenu= or as it's bound to =C-x C-j= which will show the list of available imenu candidates and make you select one you'd like to jump to. However, this approach has 2 downsides. First is the fact that you'd have to call the function manually or using the keystroke mentioned above and then select a candidate which leads to alot of keystrokes for such a simple task. Second is that it doesn't select the candidate you're currently inside. So if you have functions A, B, C and D, and the current position of cursor is inside D then D won't be selected in the candidates list. I am not sure why this happens but that's my experience.
  • Swiper
  • You could also use swiper, part of the ivy package available on MELPA. Swiper is an improved isearch, which basically requires you to enter a search criteria and then navigate through the list until you find what you're looking for. Again, the downside for me is that i'd have to remember the name of the function i am looking for and then navigate my way into the place i want to be.
  • Avy / Ace-jump-mode
  • Both packages allow you to invoke them, then enter the first letter of what would match the place you want to navigate to, that is visible in the current buffer and markers will appear in places that match. Once you enter the marker letters that appear, the cursor will take you to the location you wanted. Again, alot of keystrokes.

There must be a better way.

I noticed that imenu is able to provide you with the list of candidates (classes / methods / functions) that you can navigate to as described in the above point about imenu. So i decided to write my own elisp functions to make the exact navigation behaviour i want available.

The idea that i would like to implement here is as follows:

  1. Get the list of candidates from imenu
  2. Figure out which candidate my cursor is inside.
  3. In case of going to the previous candidate, then navigate to current item index - 1
  4. In case of going to the next candidate, then navigate to current item index + 1.
  5. Possibly, allow for circular navigation. so when reaching the top, navigate all the way to the bottom and vice versa.

First, i figured i would need the list of candidates from imenu:

(defun codenav-imenu-candidates ()
  "Get the candidates list from imenu."
  (let* ((items (imenu--make-index-alist))
	 (items (delete (assoc "*Rescan*" items) items)))

That was easy, make imenu build the list from the contents of the current buffer and remove the "Rescan" item.

In case you have functions combined with classes and methods, the list returned will have nested lists contents of "containers" in your codebase such as classes. So we'd have to flatten the list out because we don't care about the nesting part at the moment.

(defun codenav-flatten-candidates (candidates)
  "Flatten CANDIDATES of imenu list."
  (let (result)
    (dolist (candidate candidates result)
      (if (imenu--subalist-p candidate)
          (setq result (append result (codenav-flatten-candidates (cdr candidate))))
        (add-to-list 'result candidate)))

The above code just goes through the list, if it encounters a nested list, it calls itself recursively and appends the result to the current results list. otherwise, append the candidate into the list and return the list once all items are done.

You'll notice up to this point that the candidates list is not sorted the way we wanted. Although imenu has a config =imenu-sort-function= which if set to nil, then items will be returned as they appear in the file. However, mine was set to nil and this wasn't the case for me. So let's sort the items:

(defun codenav-sort-candidates (candidates)
  (sort candidates (lambda (a b) (< (cdr a) (cdr b)))))

Simply calling the sort function to compare items A and B which both look as follows: =(Name-of-function . Marker)=. So comparing their markers would sort the list as we're doing above from the min marker to the max one.

So up to this point we have a sorted list of candidates. Now what we have to do is figure out which candidate our cursor is sitting inside:

(defun codenav-current-symbol (names-and-pos)
  "Figure out current definition by checking positions of NAMES-AND-POS against current position."
  (let ((list-length (length names-and-pos))
        (current-pos (point))
        (current-index 0)
        (next-index 0))
    (dolist (symbol names-and-pos)
      ;; If we reaches the end, just return the last element
      ;; instead of returning index+1
      (setq next-index (if (< next-index (1- list-length))
                          (1+ current-index)
      (let* ((current-symbol-pos (marker-position (cdr symbol)))
	     (next-symbol-pos (marker-position (cdr (nth next-index names-and-pos)))))
        (if (and (= current-index 0) (< current-pos current-symbol-pos))
            (return 0))
	(if (and (>= current-pos current-symbol-pos) (< current-pos next-symbol-pos))
	    (return current-index)))
      (setq current-index (1+ current-index)))
    ;; If last item, decrement index
    (if (eq current-index (length names-and-pos))
	(1- current-index)

This goes through the sorted candidates list (we'll get to that later), and determines the index of the item our cursor is inside If the cursor is placed before the 1st item, that means we can now navigate to the last item. If the cursor is placed inside or after the last element, then we can jump all the way to the top. This returns the index as required accordingly.

Now for the fun part. The above function returns the index of the candidate our cursor is inside. We now need to define the functions which will perform the jumps:

(defun codenav-next-definition ()
  "Navigate to next function/class definition."
  (let* ((imenu-candidates (codenav-imenu-candidates))
         (names-and-pos (codenav-sort-candidates (codenav-flatten-candidates imenu-candidates)))
	 (current-symbol (codenav-current-symbol names-and-pos))
         (next-symbol-index (if (>= (1+ current-symbol) (length names-and-pos)) 0
                              (1+ current-symbol)))
	 (next-symbol (nth next-symbol-index names-and-pos)))
    (imenu next-symbol)))

(defun codenav-prev-definition ()
  "Navigate to previous function/class definition."
  (let* ((imenu-candidates (codenav-imenu-candidates))
         (names-and-pos (codenav-sort-candidates (codenav-flatten-candidates imenu-candidates)))
	 (current-symbol (codenav-current-symbol names-and-pos))
         (prev-symbol-index (if (< (1- current-symbol) 0) (1- (length names-and-pos))
                              (1- current-symbol)))
	 (prev-symbol (nth prev-symbol-index names-and-pos)))
    (imenu prev-symbol)))

Both functions look similar. The only difference is that one of them +1's the current index to go to the next item while the other performs a -1 on the current index.

Once we figure out the index of the item we want to navigate to, we can call the imenu function to jump to that element.

Excellent! all we have to do right now is bind those two functions to some keys. I bind them as follows:

(global-set-key (kbd "M-i") (lambda () (interactive) (codenav-prev-definition)))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-k") (lambda () (interactive) (codenav-next-definition)))

And now you'll be able to enjoy navigating your way through class definitions / methods and functions in the current file easily with your preferred keystroke. The even better part of it is, this will work with any language imenu is able to work with.

Enjoy Emacs!

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