

  • Django Pushy: Python / Django app that provides push notifications functionality with celery. The main purpose of this app is to help you send push notifications to your users at scale. If you have lots of registered device keys, django-pushy will split your keys into smaller groups which run in parallel making the process of sending notifications faster.
  • Pocket CLI: Pocket-CLI is an application for reading / listing and managing your articles from the terminal.
  • Pocket API: This package provides a wrapper class around GetPocket V3 APIs.


  • Go Task Scheduler: Go Task scheduler is a small library that you can use within your application that enables you to execute callbacks (goroutines) after a pre-defined amount of time. GTS also provides task storage which is used to invoke callbacks for tasks which couldn’t be executed during down-time as well as maintaining a history of the callbacks that got executed.


  • Emacs-Dashboard: An extensible emacs startup screen showing you what’s most important.
  • Emacs Bootstrap: Your on-the-fly Emacs development environment. Emacs-bootstrap uses opinionated code templates which will be used to generate your emacs configurations. It enables you to select the programming languages you work with the most and will generate enough Emacs configs to get you started crunching code.
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